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Thursday, 8 June 2023
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14:00 – 15:30hrs
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Room 335, Level 3, Suntec

Phakic IOLs have gained in popularity with better lens sizing and almost no phakic IOL-induced cataract formation. This MasterClass will take participants from patient choice, through lens sizing, surgical technique, and on to the management of complications. After this MasterClass, participants who have never used phakic IOLs should gain the confidence to embark on this technology, while those who have should improve their existing skills.

Course Faculty:
 Time Topic Speaker
14:00 - 14:17hrs Phakic IOL Indications and Contraindications Jodhbir MEHTA
14:17 - 14:34hrs Lens Sizing Gaurav LUTHRA
14:34 - 14:51hrs Surgical Technique Lens Loading, Implantation, and Removal John CHANG
Hong Kong SAR, China
14:51 - 15:08hrs Complications and Management Sri GANESH
15:08 - 15:30hrs Question and Answer